On July 24, 2024, an unattributed threat actor distributed a password-protected installer masquerading as an inauthentic Falcon Crash Reporter Installer to a German entity in an unattributed spear-phishing attempt.
Subsequent analysis revealed that executing the installer with the threat actor-provided password leads to a novel execution chain in which an agent written to the Mythic command-and-control (C2)1 framework is executed as LLVM Intermediate Representation (IR) bitcode. The installer executes the agent using an LLVM interpreter, which is included in the installer archive.
This activity is highly likely targeted, and the malware used is highly likely above average in sophistication. These assessments are based on observed social-engineering, infection-chain and malware implementation.
Initial Access
The threat actor gained initial access to the victim by placing a phone call in which the actor impersonated a member of the company’s internal IT team and asked the victim to download an inauthentic Falcon Crash Reporter. The threat actor spoke fluent German and communicated professionally, suggesting that they are experienced in social engineering. The installer prompts the victim to input a “Backend-Server” (Figure 1).
CrowdStrike Intelligence verified that the installer did not perform any connectivity checks. The backend-server input is used as a social-engineering pretext for entering a password. The threat actor-provided password uses the pattern crowdstrike.{German Entity}.de:35294, which mimics a legitimate domain, almost certainly to make the social-engineering attempt appear legitimate. Once the victim has entered the password correctly, a screen appears stating the setup is ready to install (Figure 2).
When the victim clicks “Installieren,” the installer writes the files csmon8.dat and Java8Runtime.exe in the directory %LOCALAPPDATA%Java, executing the InnoSetup installer install_script.iss. Finally, the installer presents a screen showing the victim the installation was successful (Figure 3).
Decoy Page
The InnoSetup script creates a shortcut in the Startup folder named Microsoft Edge, which opens the Microsoft Edge browser. The HTML page presented to the user, which is passed using the command-line argument –app, resembles an inauthentic loading screen. This screen closes the browser window once the page has finished loading. The inauthentic loading page depends on JavaScript (JS) from the URL https[:]//www[.]warnmelderzentrale[.]com/jquery.min.8ac34787.js?v=8. However, as of this writing, the site is no longer serving the JS file. Figure 4 provides the code for the inauthentic loading page.
The JS served by www[.]warnmelderzentrale[.]com was likely the code used to display an inauthentic loading animation.
LLVM Bitcode Execution
The InnoSetup script creates another shortcut in the Startup folder called System Health Monitor, which executes Java8Runtime.exe as a minimized window. This executable is a slightly modified version of the LLVM interpreter (lli)2 with the filename changed within the command-line help text. However, the command-line option flags remain identical.
The LLVM IR bitcode, which is contained within the csmon8.dat file, is executed using the LLVM interpreter with the entry function set to run. Figure 5 shows the parameters for the bitcode.
The threat actor created the LLVM IR bitcode by compiling a custom C++ agent with LLVM for the Mythic C2 framework.3
Agent Functionality
The agent, tracked as Ciro, is likely a custom agent written for the Mythic C2 framework in C++. Upon execution, the agent performs dynamic resolution of required API functions. These functions are set into a function table passed by reference to each function as required, and each function is accessed at offsets relative to the beginning of the table.
Ciro collects and formats the username, computer name, process identifier (PID) of the running Ciro process, payload universal unique identifier (UUID)4 (ae26cb07-ea65-434f-a9ac-d6c4814432ba) and internal adapter IP addresses into a check-in payload. The payload is then serialized and Base64-encoded and is also encrypted using an embedded AES-256 key (19E02B2049E10104573AB05B3D8882F4C3373992D4B823998152B93EB4971873) and a 128-bit initialization vector (IV) of null bytes in CBC mode.
Ciro then prepends the check-in payload with the hard-coded UUID in plaintext and sends an HTTP GET request to the C2 server csmon.westeurope.cloudapp.azure[.]com using a randomized HTTP endpoint (see Table 4 in the Appendix). The payload is set as the value of the X-REQUEST-INFO header. Figure 6 provides an example of the C2 check-in.
Once the check-in is complete, Ciro enters a task loop that requests and receives tasks from the operator and sleeps for a defined interval on each iteration. Once a task is received, it is Base64-decoded and decrypted using the same embedded AES-256 key and IV that were used to encrypt the payload. Table 1 describes Ciro’s capabilities.
Task Identifier
Exit using the FatalExit API
Acquire the present working directory of the agent using the GetCurrentlyDirectoryW API
Acquire all files within the current directory
Remove a specified file using DeleteFileW
Download a file to a specified path from C2
Upload a file from a specified path to C2
Inject Ciro into a specified process and exit
Dump LSA secrets using embedded shellcode; though not currently implemented, position-independent shellcode for this capability is embedded within the LLVM bitcode
Establish a SOCKS5 proxy
Map and execute provided shellcode in memory
Execute provided .NET assembly in memory; contains functionality for patching Antimalware Scanning Interface (AMSI) and Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) prior to executing assembly
Update sleep interval for agent check-in
Execute command using CreateProcessW
Take a screenshot of the infected system’s desktop
Table 1. Ciro capabilities
CrowdStrike Intelligence assesses with high confidence that the attack described in this alert is likely targeted based on the following factors:
The threat actor installed the malware by conducting voice phishing (vishing) against an employee at the victim company
The threat actor tailored the German-language spear-phishing website and the installer password to the specific German entity
The threat actor appears to be highly aware of operations security (OPSEC) practices, given that they encrypted the installer contents and prevented further activity from occurring without a password. The actor is also highly aware of social-engineering practices, which were implemented in all steps of the installer’s delivery and execution.
The recovered payload is above average in sophistication. This assessment is made with high confidence based on the use of what is likely a custom Mythic C2 agent, the LLVM bitcode representation of the C2 agent, and the decision to ship an LLVM interpreter to execute the provided bitcode.
These recommendations can be implemented to help protect against the activity described in this report.
Only accept updates delivered through official CrowdStrike channels, and adhere to CrowdStrike support teams’ technical guidance
Check website certificates on the download page to ensure downloaded software originates from a legitimate source
Train users to avoid executing files from untrusted sources
Enable download protection that can issue warnings about potentially harmful websites or downloads
Hunt for suspicious LLVM interpreter execution, which includes but is not limited to:
LLVM interpreter execution on endpoints not intended for software development
LLVM interpreter execution as a means to establish persistence
This YARA rule detects the Mythic agent Ciro.
rule CrowdStrike_CSA_240869_01 : ciro mythic
copyright = “(c) 2024 CrowdStrike Inc.”
description = “Detects Custom Mythic Agent Ciro”
reports = “CSA-240869“
version = “202407291125”
last_modified = “2024-07-29”
malware_family = “Mythic”
$module_name = “Cirostrike” ascii
filesize < 1MB
and uint32(0) == 0xdec04342
and all of them
Falcon LogScale Query
This Falcon LogScale query hunts for suspicious execution of the LLVM interpreter.
| #event_simpleName=”ProcessRollup2″
| CommandLine=/–force-interpreter/i
| CommandLine=/–entry-function/i
This Falcon LogScale query hunts for malicious installer files used to deliver Ciro.
event_platform=Win | in(field=FileName, values=[“Crowdstrike_crash_reporter_v1.1-R7.zip”, “CrowdStrike_Crash_Reporter_Setup_8.R3.exe”, “CrowdStrike_Crash_Reporter_Setup_8.R3.tmp”,
Indicators of Compromise (IOCs)
This table details the IOCs related to the information provided in this report.
LLVM IR bitcode (csmon8.dat)
LLVM Interpreter (Java8Runtime.exe)
InnoSetup Script (install_script.iss)
Table 2. Ciro IOCs
This table details the tactics and techniques described in this report.
Resource Development
T1587.001 – Develop Capabilities: Malware
The actor developed a custom Mythic C2 agent named Ciro
Initial Access
T1566.002 – Phishing: Spearphishing Link
The malicious installer is delivered through a spearphishing link with a website impersonating the target entity
T1059 – Command and Scripting Interpreter
Ciro LLVM bitcode is executed using LLVM interpreter via the command line
T1204.002 – User Execution: Malicious File
The actor persuades the user via social-engineering tactics to execute the installer
T1547.001 – Boot or Logon Autostart Execution: Registry Run Keys / Startup Folder
The actor establishes persistence for Ciro by creating a shortcut within the system’s Startup folder
Defense Evasion
T1140 – Deobfuscate/Decode Files or Information
After the user provides a password, the InnoSetup installer decrypts the embedded Ciro files using RC4
Command and Control
T1071.001 – Application Layer Protocol: Web Protocols
Ciro C2 is conducted over HTTP
T1132.001 – Data Encoding: Standard Encoding
Ciro C2 ciphertext is encoded using Base64
T1573.001 – Encrypted Channel: Symmetric Cryptography
Ciro C2 is encrypted using AES-256 in CBC mode
Table 3. Ciro MITRE ATT&CK mapping
Mythic C2 Agent HTTP Endpoints
Table 4. Mythic C2 agent HTTP endpoints
Additional Resources
Read more blog posts from CrowdStrike Intelligence regarding the Falcon content issue:
Falcon Sensor Content Issue from July 19, 2024, Likely Used to Target CrowdStrike Customers
Likely eCrime Actor Uses Filenames Capitalizing on July 19, 2024, Falcon Sensor Content Issues in Operation Targeting LATAM-Based CrowdStrike Customers
Threat Actor Uses Fake CrowdStrike Recovery Manual to Deliver Unidentified Stealer
Threat Actor Distributes Python-Based Information Stealer Using a Fake Falcon Sensor Update Lure
Lumma Stealer Packed with CypherIt Distributed Using Falcon Sensor Update Phishing Lure
Malicious Inauthentic Falcon Crash Reporter Installer Distributed to German Entity via Spearphishing Website
1 https[:]//docs.mythic-c2[.]net
2 https[:]//llvm[.]org/docs/CommandGuide/lli.html || https[:]//github[.]com/llvm/llvm-project/blob/main/llvm/tools/lli/lli.cpp
3 https[:]//docs.mythic-c2[.]net
4 https[:]//docs.mythic-c2[.]net/customizing/payload-type-development/create_tasking/agent-side-coding/initial-checkin#a-note-about-uuids